
In Science at Milton Keynes Academy, we encourage students’ inquisitiveness about the world we experience every day, aiming to inspire curiosity, and enjoyment in learning. By working to help students to understand the importance of evidence, validity and accuracy, we work to empower our students with the tools to challenge misinformation and navigate their world with credibility and confidence.

We work to provide all students with opportunities to build their problem-solving skills and challenge themselves, as well and to give students opportunities to develop skills for analysis, evaluation, data processing, drawing accurate conclusions and understanding scientific reporting.

We strive to build a culture where everyone is head and valued in Science. We work to inspire diversity in Science; diversity in gender, diversity in culture, diversity in specialism and how they link together.

Importantly, we want to give our students the tools to make a difference to the world in the future – when they leave, we want them to understand climate change, and aspects of medicine, ensuring their own and others’ health and wellbeing, and how to integrate and utilise new technologies of the future.