Ofsted 2023

A note from the Principal

I would like to thank you and your children for the feedback and comments you shared as part of the inspection process. We believe that the inspection team got to know our school well, and appreciate the advice the team gave us about the next steps in our improvement journey. We are continuing to make the changes that will make it even better to be a pupil at Milton Keynes Academy.

We are very pleased that Ofsted graded ‘personal development’ as ‘good’ and that the real strengths our student and staff body have in that respect were highlighted. The report noted that ‘staff at the school care passionately about the welfare of pupils’ and that as a school we ‘celebrate diversity and inclusivity’. More importantly, the inspectors also recognised that ‘pupils appreciate this’.

We are pleased that Ofsted has recognised leadership is ‘Good’ at Milton Keynes Academy. The report confirms that leaders within Milton Keynes Academy and Creative Education Trust have ‘clear policies and plans that are steadily bringing about improvement’. The inspectors recognised the positive impact that many of our changes are having, including to behaviour and to attendance. We remain ambitious for further improvement and have always been open about what remains to be done. The report clearly shows that we are striving to meet our aspirations for our pupils and the school is changing for the better. You will also note that post 16 provision was judged to be ‘Good.’

The overall judgement of ‘Requires Improvement’ reflects both where we believe we are as a school and the need for us all to continue to work together to raise standards. We remain grateful to parents and pupils for their support in this work.

We will be holding a series of parental meetings, after Easter, to share in greater depth those plans. I look forward to welcoming you and to hearing your thoughts.